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10x Performance Gain: IEnumerable vs IQueryable

This post compares IEnumerable against IQuerable using an experiment to illustrate the behaviour and performance differences. Spotting a func vs an expression func filter bug is easy to miss. The caller’s syntax stays the same but it could have a 10x performance impact on your application.

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SQL Server 2014 was used for hosting the database. The GeoAllCountries table content was sourced from GeoNames and contains just over 10 million rows. Entity Framework 6 was used for the LINQ to SQL integration.

Predicate Function

The code below will query the GeoAllCountries table and use a filter predicate function to filter the results starting with "Aus".
        static void Main(string[] args)
            var stopWatch = Stopwatch.StartNew();
            var countryNames = GetCountryNames(name => name.StartsWith("Aus"));

            foreach (var name in countryNames)

            Console.WriteLine("Running time: {0}", stopWatch.Elapsed.TotalSeconds);

        public static IEnumerable<string> GetCountryNames(Func<string, bool> filterFunc)
            using (var context = new TestDatabaseDataContext())
                IQueryable<string> names = (from country in context.GeoAllCountries 
                                            select country.Name);
                foreach (var name in names.Where(filterFunc))
                    yield return name;
Running time: 8.6558463
SQL Server Profiler captured the following query between the application and the database:
SELECT [t0].[Name] FROM [dbo].[GeoAllCountries] AS [t0]

Expression Predicate Function

The code below will query the GeoAllCountries table and use an expression filter predicate function to filter the results starting with "Aus".
        static void Main(string[] args)
            var stopWatch = Stopwatch.StartNew();
            var countryNames = GetCountryNames(name => name.StartsWith("Aus"));

            foreach (var name in countryNames)

            Console.WriteLine("Running time: {0}", stopWatch.Elapsed.TotalSeconds);

        public static IEnumerable<string> GetCountryNames(
                      Expression<Func<string, bool>> filterFunc)
            using (var context = new TestDatabaseDataContext())
                IQueryable<string> names = (from country in context.GeoAllCountries 
                                            select country.Name);
                foreach (var name in names.Where(filterFunc))
                    yield return name;
Running time: 0.8633603
SQL Server Profiler captured the following query between the application and the database:
exec sp_executesql N'SELECT [t0].[Name]
FROM [dbo].[GeoAllCountries] AS [t0]
WHERE [t0].[Name] LIKE @p0',N'@p0 nvarchar(4000)',@p0=N'Aus%'
Note that the client code did not change. Adding the expression syntax around the func made a world of difference. It is pretty easy to add the predicate syntax but is just as easy to miss in a code review unless you have the fidelity to spot the issue and understand the implications.


IEnumerable executes the select query at the database and filters the data in-memory at the application layer.

IQueryable executes the select query and all of the filters at the database.

The database filtering reduced network traffic and application memory load resulting in a significant 10x performance gain.

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